E-Commerce Shipping Software
Offer your customers the ultimate delivery experience.ClearDestination provides advanced e-commerce shipping software so that you can embed tools on a vendor website and allow customers to book and track their own deliveries, either at the point of purchase or from the comfort of their own homes.
Maximum convenience for customers. Freed up time for your support team to work on more value-added tasks.
- Programming code, fully populated with all the required data, can be easily added to your website’s existing code; no costly programming required
- Connected to your supply chain’s real-time inventory and delivery capacity
- Multiple supply chains can be viewed as one, overarching process
- Workflows can be simply configured built based on manufacturers’ and retailers’ specifically desired delivery experience

Typical Use Cases

Improve the customer experience by allowing customers to schedule e-commerce deliveries on their own terms—but based on your transport schedule

Give realistic delivery dates and windows based on real-time information

Eliminate the time and hassle spent manual scheduling deliveries

Slash unproductive communications and incessant calls/emails with the same ol’ same ol’ question: “Where’s my delivery?”

Reduce investments in programming a delivery module for your website
Discover a strategy that ecommerce businesses forget: the delivery experience. Download our free ebook, The delivery experience: The next frontier in ecommerce success and profitability to learn out to outedge the competition and delight customers.